Upcoming Community Education Forums
Because education is more than what happens inside the classroom, CEF offers several Community Education Forums each year. These free events provide educational opportunities for students, parents, and the community. Events include educational presentations, documentary screenings, literature events, and our annual Family Coding Night. If your business would like to sponsor or host a CEF Community Education Forum, please email development@supportcef.com.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023 • 5-6pm
Securing the Future: Introduction to Estate Planning
During this "Make a Will" month, learn more about estate planning and solidifying the future of your next generation. Presented by Justin Shiau, Esq., Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Law, Athlon Legal, APC.
Online. RSVP at https://forms.gle/bxP4DUcqcDhzKZq5. No products or services will be sold, this event is strictly informational. For more info, please email development@supportcef.com.
Past Community Education Forums

November 7, 2019
Free Screening – Inventing Tomorrow
Sponsored by Galieo Innovation Camps
Please us for a family-friendly CEF Community Education Forum featuring a free private screening of the POV documentary “Inventing Tomorrow” documentary at Laemmle’s Claremont 5.
In this film, you'll meet passionate teenage innovators from around the globe who are creating cutting-edge solutions to confront the world’s environmental threats – found right in their own backyards – while navigating the doubts and insecurities that mark adolescence. Take a journey with these inspiring teens as they prepare their projects for the largest convening of high school scientists in the world, the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) a program of Society for Science & the Public.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Measure G Update & Pizza Party
El Roble Intermediate School
Presented by Claremont Unified School District
Please join CUSD Superintendent Dr. Jim Elsasser, members of the CUSD Board of Education, district staff, and members of the Measure G and Citizens Oversight committees for an update on projects being funded by your Measure G tax dollars, as well as a tour of the brand new classrooms and pool construction at El Roble Intermediate School.

Spring 2019
Annual Family Coding Night
Presented in partnership with Claremont Unified School District
Sponsored by STEM Center USA • At El Roble Intermediate School
At this annual FREE community event, Students (TK-Grade 6) and caregivers participate together in hands-on STEM activities.

January 10, 2019
Free Screening – Bill Nye: Science Guy
Sponsored by Galieo Innovation Camps
Please us for a family-friendly CEF Community Education Forum featuring a free private screening of the POV documentary “Bill Nye: Science Guy” documentary at Laemmle’s Claremont 5.
In this film, Bill Nye has a mission: to stop the spread of anti-scientific thinking across the world. The former star of the kids show “Bill Nye The Science Guy” is now advocating for the importance of science, research and discovery in public life. With exclusive access and plenty of whimsy, the film follows Nye as he takes off his Science Guy lab coat and takes on those who deny a science-based worldview. Science activities from Galileo start at 7pm! This film is recommended for age 12 and up.

Wednesday April 25, 2018
Understanding Measure G
Claremont High School
Presented by Claremont Unified School District
Join CEF on April 25, 2018, for an informative session regarding the status of Measure G projects. Measure G, which passed in November 2016, is a facilities bond which raised funds dedicated to repairing and upgrading Claremont schools. We will update you on each project. In attendance will be the CUSD School Board, Oversight Committee, and the Measure G Committee. Learn how funds were allocated and the current status of ongoing projects. Attendees will be able to tour the new gymnasium at Claremont High School.

Thursday, April 12, 2018
Current Technology Relationship Status: It’s Complicated!
El Roble Intermediate School
Presented by Lori Getz, M.A. Cyber Education Specialist
Sponsored in part by Galileo Innovation Camps
A Parent’s Guide to Kids & Technology
- About 80% of teens say they have communicated with an online stranger.
- 60% say they wish they were less distracted by technology but don’t tell their parents for fear the technology will be taken away.
- Almost ALL children report seeing things online that make them feel uncomfortable, and less than 10% tell a parent.
Parents & Caregivers: Come learn strategies and the language that will help your family break down walls and get everyone having more meaningful conversations about texting, gaming, YouTube, Social Media, screen time and more.
Watch the video of the event here

Fall 2018
Free Screening – Screenagers
Open to the community, the screening of the documentary “Screenagers” explored the struggles families face over social media, video games, academics and Internet addiction.

May 11, 2017
Building Resilient Kids, Strong Families and Healthy Communities
El Roble Intermediate School
Presented by Ariane Marie-Mitchell, MD, PhD – Loma Linda University Medical Center; Gamaliel Polanco, L.C.S.W – Tri-City Mental Health; Elaine Karas-Miller, M.S.W., L.C.S.W. – Exec. Dir. – Trauma Resource Institute
Open to the community at large, the panelists shared what is known about adversity and resilience and taught stress management skills and important dialogue about what can be done to promote healthy outcomes for families.

Fall 2016
Building a Positive Social Media Presence
Presented by Carolynn Crabtree – Cornerstone Reputation
An assembly for Claremont High School students, as well as a parent discussion, about the lasting implications of their online reputation and how to take control of what surfaces when they are searched online. Provided information to equip them with an understanding of how the Internet stores and links their online content to major gatekeepers such as college admissions counselors, college coaches, and future employers.

Spring 2016
Anti-bullying and Internet Safety
Presented by Josh Gunderson – Motivational Speaker
An assembly for El Roble Intermediate School students, as well as a parent discussion, about digital citizenship, digital footprint, online identity, social networking, online privacy and digital parenting.
In today’s digital world, keeping children safe is one of the biggest issues on the minds of parents and guardians. Using his own unique brand of humor, Josh takes his audience on a journey from the beginning of the Internet to the takeover of social networking – breaking down popular apps and social networks to provide a better understanding of the digital world our children are living in and how to keep them safe.